Why Does Eating Carbs Make Me Feel Funny

The low-carb diet: "I feel better than I ever did in my life"


Before and after

When Carol first started on a low-carb diet, she lost 35 lbs (16 kg) in five months. But not all her ailments healed.

She went down the rabbit's hole and was able to turn her health around and cure a myriad of health issues with some additional measures. This is what she did:

Dear Andreas,

The following is in response to your request for a success story…

Sure, I would love to expound! I expound every chance I get, with whomever looks vaguely interested in healing with food! Unfortunately, in my line of full-time business, they are few and far between (in the nursing field). I am afraid I may disappoint, however, as what I do, and have accomplished, cannot feasibly be contained within a few short paragraphs. You have my permission to condense or shorten, as you deem appropriate, in my submission.

My story began in 2013, where I adopted an eating protocol via Dr. Mark Hyman's Ultrametabolism, after discovering my cholesterol was high. Following that plan, I lost 35 pounds (16 kg) in five months and had more energy for a period of time. But I started getting tired, having palpitations, wake-ups at night where I couldn't go back to sleep, and others. I had already, over my lifetime, been diagnosed with being overweight, high blood pressure, tachycardia, chronic migraines, lumbago, bulging disks, ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, fibromyalgia, and others. I presented my issues to my doctor, whose only answer was the old, tired adage…"You are getting older, and this is what happens when you get older."

I have autoimmune disease (discovered myself by literally forcing the conventional docs to test me for thyroid antibodies) based on my research of my symptoms from various functional medicine doctors whom I follow… so I began researching healing autoimmunity. I eliminated gluten, dairy and similar proteins completely from my diet. This includes all store-bought breads, pastries, pastas, and milk and milk products, and replaced them with my own, home-baked, (primarily coconut flour) products, and nut milks, primarily coconut milk. This is where my fibromyalgia, headaches and lower back pain went away for good, I hope indefinitely.

I gave up beans completely (too difficult to absorb, even when soaked), nuts (too much phytic acid in a healing gut). I gave up all processed/packaged foods, and bought and ate/eat only organic (unless ewg.org's list says I can eat conventional). I consume pastured eggs only, grass-fed beef 1-2 times/week, wild-caught fish, and only hormone- and antibiotic-free chicken and turkey. I don't use any conventional oils, only olive for my homemade salad dressings, and coconut oil and grass-fed butter for higher-heat cooking. I eat an 80/20 raw diet. I have eliminated soy, and soy products, though I must admit, I still consume soy lecithin, as Chris Kresser, whom I admire, says it shouldn't be problematic. I have an adoration of dark chocolate, you see… ;) so it is unavoidable. I would make my own, but my time is limited, as I am a full-time nurse, wife and a mother as well.

I consume a lot of supplements. No drugs. I won't elaborate on it too much, as that would be very long, but I will say that my Vitamin D, B12, all cholesterol and thyroid lab levels are now optimal by functional medicine standards. Mainstream labs are based on sick people's labs, and I'm aiming to be and stay well, not to get sick until I exceed their ranges of "normal". I am using additional supplements and probiotics to boost glutathione, immunity, gut repair and cellular metabolism. I also do about 5 minutes of targeted muscle training a day 5 days a week, nominal running, walking and biking.

About six months later, after adopting the additional protocols outlined above, I felt great. I still do, another three years later. You wouldn't guess to look at me that I'm going to be 52 soon. I feel better than I ever did in my life, and get around like a 20-year old. My only conditions remaining are gas (from all the cruciferous veggies I eat every day in my salad), and thyroid antibody levels that have plateaued still outside of normal range. I surmise, accurately I am sure, that this is due to undiscovered food sensitivities, as I cannot afford the testing required to pay out of pocket for IgG and IgA food sensitivity panels and interpretations. I wish I could, as I know these antibodies may continue to wear away at my thyroid over time, possibly resulting in a reversal of everything I have accomplished. Hopefully, as per Dr. Izabella Wentz (I am one of her recommended clinicians), my consumption of Thytrophin PMG will target the action of the antibodies as opposed to my thyroid, and then all will be right with the world!

It should be noted, that I underwent all the above, totally alone. No family or friend support. It was very hard, but I was determined to decipher how powerful the proper consumption of food is for myself. From what I have read over the past three years (the same amount of time as you, apparently), the odds are extremely low for success while going it alone. I almost ended up in divorce from my husband, and estrangement from my daughter, as I tried to help them with their problematic behaviors before they became sick as well. Now, in order to keep the peace, I must continue to go it alone, and keep my mouth shut. So far it is working, but the clinician inside of me worries for them. I'm definitely not perfect, I do let out some thoughts once in awhile!

I live in Adams Center, New York

My FB is:

  • Personal: https://www.facebook.com/carol.rivers.3950
  • Business: https://www.facebook.com/healthintegrations/

Yours in health,


Thank you for sharing Carol, what a fantastic health transformation :-)

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Source: https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb-diet-feel-better-ever-life

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